The best free online invitation maker for weddings, baby showers, birthdays & MUCH MORE

Looking to create the perfect invitation? Use Picmaker’s custom invitation maker to create an impressive invite.

Create your free invitation now!

Invitation Maker

The best free online invitation creator for all your invitation design needs

Bring your ideas to reality with Picmaker’s custom invitation creator. Choose from hundreds
of free online invitation templates and create the perfect invite to impress your invitees.

View more invitation templates

Create the perfect invitation for any occasion

Create personalized invitations for birthdays, weddings, baby showers, housewarmings,
and other key occasions using an all-in-one online invitation generator by Picmaker!

  • The free invitation maker app that lets you customize your invitations

    Our online invitation maker app is ideal to customize your invitations for all occasions. Choose from millions of pictures, icons, frames, colors, gradients, and backgrounds to get a smashing invitation out in minutes.

  • The free invitation maker app that lets you customize your invitations
  • The most advanced invitation making tool-kit

    Picmaker’s free invitation maker provides you with several options to make cool invites. It includes an AI-enabled background remover, dozens of filters, hundreds of fonts, and a lot more. This way, you don’t have to toggle browser tabs while creating stunning invitations.

  • The most advanced invitation making toolkit

A free and friendly invitation maker for PCs that you’ll never forget

Why download clunky software that can slow down your PC? Instead, use our free invitation maker
to create invitations that bring more guests to your events.

Create your free invitation now!

  • Invitations for all occasions

    Choose from our unique collection of birthday invitation templates, wedding cards, and more, and tailor your invite with our AI-powered toolset.

  • Invitations for all occasions
  • Share your invitations in seconds

    Whether you want to share your invitations on social media or by email, our free invitation maker lets you share effortlessly. Download your online invitations in your favorite file formats and get your party started much before the event.

  • Share your invitations in seconds

How to make invitations?

In just four steps, you can create a custom invitation for any occasion!

Step 1: Launch Picmaker

Use your email or social media account to log in to Picmaker. It’s free!

Step 2: Choose a template

Under ‘Create design’, toggle to find ‘Invitation’ and click on it to access free invitation templates.

Alternatively, click on ‘Create a design’, set your custom dimensions, and start designing your invite.

Step 3: Customize

Edit the invitation copy, including names, event date, time, venue address, and more. Then, choose your fonts (ideally 1-3) and color scheme to match the occasion. Enhance the look and feel by adding icons, shapes, and design objects to create a unique, personalized invitation.

Step 4: Download/share

Download your custom invitation in PDF, JPEG, PNG, or SVG format and distribute it to your guests. Alternatively, share the invitation online instantly from Picmaker by clicking the ‘Share’ button.

6 reasons our free online invitation card design maker is the best

Whether you’re planning betrothals or baby showers, our online invitation maker is the perfect tool you’ll ever need.

Free invitation templates

Why pay for invitation templates when you can use ours for free. Our professional invitation templates are easily usable.

Upload your pictures

Get all your pictures onto our invitation maker, so you have everything you need at the click of a button.

Suitable for social

No matter where you’re sharing your invitations, our one-click resize button allows you to create invitations that match your need.

Store invites safely

Our free cloud platform lets you store all your invitations online. Pull them up when you need them.

Bring your brand elements

If you’ve got branded colors and fonts, get them all into our invitation maker. Create branded invitations by the minute.

Zero design skills

With our free online invitation maker, you don’t need any design skills. Drag and drop your pictures, colors, and zoom off!

Make your invitations memorable

An invitation is the first thing you need to get right for your event. So, use our invitation maker
to put your inspiration into action and create invites that evoke memories.

Create your free invitation now!

5 Tips To Make An Impressive Invitation

If you want to put a smile on your guests’ face, it starts with an awesome invitation. Here’s how you can get started with our free, online invitation maker.

  • Get your theme right
    Get your theme right

    Whether it is a Halloween party or an engagement, fix a theme for your events. The best way to do that is by picking one of our free invitation templates.

  • Get the size right
    Get the size right

    Our invitation templates come in all sizes. Choose one that suits your need.

  • Customize it easily
    Customize it easily

    Customize your template with your favorite colors, fonts, and graphics.

  • Write from your heart
    Write from your heart

    Choose your words carefully as you invite your guests. Don’t forget to insert event details like date, time, location, dress code, etc.

  • Take feedback
    Take feedback

    Make sure to create a few different invitations, and take feedback about which one looks best. Go with what your guests want.

Over 1.5 million designs created till date

Don’t just take our word for it, here’s what our users have to say

Frequently Asked Questions
What can I do with Picmaker?

Picmaker serves all your design needs. From YouTube banners, thumbnails, graphics for all social media posts, ads, banners, flyers, to even your coffee mug stickers, we’ve got you covered everywhere. So, go ahead and take the plunge into our wide array of templates that suit your needs.

Pickmaker is an easy-to-use, online editing platform for all your photo editing needs.

There are quite a few invitation maker options, but we recommend Picmaker because you can choose from hundreds of easy and fun designs.

Yes, you can use our vast stock photo library to create beautiful invitations.

Our free invitation maker gives you a readymade text. Customize it for your needs before sending invites.

100,000 invitations designed and counting!

Create your free invitation now!